Embracing Change in Your Life

Hey, guys!

The air feels cool and crisp here in Ithaca, it's Apple Fest weekend downtown, and my 22nd birthday is this coming Wednesday, which means that fall is finally here! Bring on the crunchy leaves, cozy scarves, and pumpkin and cinnamon flavored everything—I’m ready for it!

Ithaca falls are incredibly beautiful, but they also mean that winter is coming, and an Ithaca winter can be both beautiful and ugly. Gotta love that upstate NY, lake effect weather, am I right? Anyway, what I really want to talk about today is embracing change in life.

Seasons change, our ages change, and with such changes come positives and negatives (my feelings on Ithaca’s seasons are a prime example of this). Change is a good thing, but we’ll always find some negatives in there as well, I’m sure.

My journey which has led me to my tonsil adenoidectomy is one recent change in my life. Over the past year or so, my tonsils and adenoids became enormous—they were so large, that whenever I spoke or sang, it felt and sounded as though I was pinching my nose. This also led to the constant irritation of my vocal chords, which made singing uncomfortable, and actually quite unhealthy. Surgery seemed like a scary idea; I mean I had four procedures done at once, and I didn’t know for sure if it would help my voice. It could have made things worse, for all I knew. But in the end, I decided the positives of the surgery were worth the risk of my voice somehow changing for the worse.  

I might have to learn how to sing again with all of this space now that everything is gone, but this change was good. And even if it had taken a turn for the worse, it wouldn't have been the end of the world. Singing lifts me up when I'm low and brings me so much joy, but I recognized that there are many things more important in life than a pretty singing voice.

This change was a big one—I didn’t know if or how my voice would change, or if it would even be the fix I needed—but it was worth the risk. With a little patience, determination and hard work, I know I’ll find my groove again.

I think I’d like to go into the upcoming school year with this in mind: change can be scary, especially if you're taking a leap of faith. But more times than not, it's totally worth it. 

We aren’t supposed to know what the future holds, nor are we meant to control every aspect of it. Change allows us to grow as we adapt to new experiences and environments; it’s a good thing! With this reassurance in mind, I’m heading into this school year ready to tackle change. I'm ready to take on any risk that comes my way, because along the way, I might find out a little more about myself and be a better me for it. And I think that sounds pretty awesome.

I hope you guys will find a way to embrace change in your life in the next school year or whatever new chapter you may be facing. And I hope that you take some leaps or bold moves of your own along the way. You might find out just how awesome, adaptable, and totally capable you are in the process.

